I’m excited to announce a new collaboration with Salty Life Photography.  Salty Life is owned by a very good Snoloha customer from the early days when I first launched the brand, Christi Corteggiano.

Christi and Salty Life share a similar vibe and passion as Snoloha, which is why this collaboration makes sense.

The challenges, of which I’ve shared many times before, with Snoloha is that it’s not a ‘simple’ brand that the majority of people automatically ‘get’ when they first see it.  Again, it’s one of the main reasons why a Snoloha store makes so much sense (I’m still looking), which is to have the ability to tell the Snoloha story and carefully control the environment and the atmosphere so it accurately reflects the brand.

So much of the initial impression of the brand is visual, which is why working with Salty Life Photography will be a nice fit.  There’s a great Dave Matthews lyric that goes “open up my head and let me out”…well, this is one way to help share with the world the vision that I have in my head and that I’ve not been able to get out, yet.

So in the coming weeks and months we will be staging some Snoloha photo shoots…and we may be putting out a casting call for models (free Snoloha gear and beer)…stand by.




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