I spent the weekend enjoying some of the local festivities here in Travers City, along with the all important beach time and some stand up paddle boarding. I also started re-reading some favorite biz & marketing books by Seth Godin. Seth’s books are great. They are not like most of the boring, statistic-filled, how-to books on book store shelves. His books are thought provoking. He doesn’t give you any recipes to success, but he does make you think outside the box.

When running a small business, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to start doing the same thing that “just works”, rather than always evolving and improving. You risk being mediocre and doing what everyone does in your industry. I like to re-read these books because it’ll remind me why I’m doing certain things the way I am…and it always gets me thinking outside the box again and re-energized.

One thing you here all the time, from corporations to the White House, is transparency. It’s easy to say “we’re being transparent”, but it’s like anything you see in the news today, there is still a PR filter in effect. I try to be as transparent as possible. Heck, the blog post below shares my story of trying on women’s clothes after a few beers! In fact after posting that on Twitter, one of Snoloha’s followers replied, “corporate transparency at its finest.”

Snoloha is a small, small business still. Sure, I’m working on changing that with time. But today, right now, this is my baby that I’m still raising and learning as I go. I have no sales rep force or employees. I am a solo entrepreneur. I do have a handful of trusted friends and colleagues, along with very talented freelance work from my web guy and Joe the Designer. The most important asset that I have are my customers. There is a limitless (is that a word?), how about “endless” instead…there is an endless number of clothing brands out there. Is there room for another? You bet. Because as I’ve said all along Snoloha is not just another t-shirt company. This is a concept and a lifestyle that is unique to the people that live it (or want to live it).

What’s the point with this rant? There’s really not one. I’ve always felt it was important to share a sense of intimacy with the brand, a behind-the-scenes look at this world and this brand that I am building.

I received a note from a customer yesterday that read “Can’t wait to apply the Snoloha mentality while on vacation…..Thanks again for all you do.” That’s powerful stuff. That’s why I’m doing what I’m doing. That’s more than selling a stupid t-shirt.

So next up on my “to do” list:

Work on introducing the new design(s) from the last new design vote
Paypal…it will happen, eventually.
Fall & Winter product
More Lil’ ones inventory
Retailers! If you know of any that should carry Snoloha, let me know!
Europe…we are still making progress.

There’s more, but that’s the big stuff.

As always, thanks for the continued support.

(Here’s Andy & Kathryn in Australia)



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