My good buddy Marc, from Manitou Boatworks (who also dragged me out sailing last night…though I really wasn’t kickin’ and screamin’ too much) send me this link.

Those that visit the Snoloha Barefoot & Exposed Blog know that I’m a bit of a Kenny Chesney fan. Caribbean Travel Magazine has an excellent interview with Chesney that you can read here.

Anyone who has had the fortune of island hoppin’ in the Caribbean, especially the U.S. & British Virgin Islands can identify. Heck, anyone who enjoys time on the water and on their boat can identify.

This is the sort of music, lifestyle and escapism that is reminiscent of what the Snoloha brand stands for and reflects.

“Everybody’s busy and has things going on in their life, some they can control and some they can’t. Everybody needs to let go, exhale, have times with themselves and times with people – and I’ve done all that on my boat. Not everybody can experience that. If I can bring that to people’s lives, I think that’s a good thing.”

Give it a read.



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