The “438 Million” blog has had some nice attention and readership since I posted it last week. After just listening to a live version of Jimmy Buffett’s “Cowboy in the Jungle” on Radio Margaritaville, I realized that some of the lyrics in that song are a good example of the wasted vacation time and what happens when we try to cram it all in…

“Steel band in the distance
And their music floats across the bay
While American women in muumuus
Talk about all the things they did today
And their husbands quack about fishing
As they slug those rum drinks down
Discussing who caught what
and who sat on his butt
But it’s the only show in town.

They’re tryin’ to drink all the punches
They all may lose their lunches
Tryin’ to cram lost years into five or six says

Seems that blind ambition erased their intuition
Plowin’ straight ahead come what may.”

Think about that…”cramming lost years into five or six days”. It’s one thing to “cram things in”, but it’s another to do it for “lost years”. Who wants to lose years? There’s not enough to begin with.



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