Yep, it’s that time of year again. Schlepping Snoloha gear to the Lansing Center for the MRA show. This is the same show that I attended last year when Snoloha was “fresh out of the box”. At the time I had 1 retailer and big plans. I’m sure others at the show thought I was nuts for launching a new brand. And I’m quite certain they still think that one year later. It’s been a roller-coaster of a year. New accounts, new experiences, lots of learning, a bunch of new fans and customers, as well as plenty of nay-sayers.

But I don’t hear or pay attention to the nay-sayers as much as I did a year ago, and it’s probably due to receiving emails like this one that I got yesterday:

It was a great day when I stumbled onto your web site and I now am proudly wearing my cap and have your sticker displayed on my CRV.
I love it when people ask me what it means. I now know that others share my passion for the extremes of sport and lifestyle.
As a avid sailor / racer Tartan 38, diver and climber / snowboarder, my love of the water and mountains can be displayed with one simple word – SNOLOHA – You ROCK !!!!

Here’s a pic of my temporary home for a couple days…until I head over to the Grand Rapids Boat Show to hang with Capt. Dave and Solstice Sailing. Capt. Dave’s booth will be a bit more of a “Snoloha” feel, since he has the Snoloha Tiki Bar!

…and yes, that would be Jimmy Buffett, Live at Wrigley Field playing on the good ole PowerBook.




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