I am currently inside the Lansing Center exhibiting Snoloha to potential new retailers at the MRA (Midwest Reps Association) Summer Market. I am smack dab in the middle of some very large brands. Directly across from me is REEF, Smith, and DaKine. Next to me on one side is Body Glove, and on the other side is Under Armour. Intimidating? To say the least. These are major players with millions of dollars in marketing budgets. Here I am, this small start up with my 10 feet of booth space and hand-painted driftwood. But ya know what? It looks pretty sweet.

It is very, very easy to get wrapped up in wondering, “how am I going to compete?”. The reality is, I’m not really competing with any of them. They have already told their story, built their brand, and created successful businesses. The reality is, my competition is myself and my ability to tell (or market) the Snoloha story and lifestyle so that it resonates and connects with people.

Hearing stories from new customers, such as the one in the post below, helps keep this reality in check. It’s what helps keep the drive and passion moving forward. There will always be naysayers and other brands out there, but as long as I remain focused and true to the Snoloha brand and to those that connect with it, then that’s all that matters.



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