Okay, I’ve been holding off writing about this…until now. Many of you have heard about the Surf Expo LAUNCH contest. For those that haven’t, LAUNCH recognizes the hot new surf, skate, and lifestyle brands on the market.

Well, Snoloha made it as a finalist, but ultimately did not win. The judges applauded me on my marketing presentation and savvy and love the SnoFlake Palm Tree logo, and they think with a bit more development that Snoloha would be a big hit. That is some great feedback from a panel of judges made up of retailers from across the country.

I was quite deflated when I first got the news. I felt as though I let down those around me who have been so supportive. Of course I received nothing but positive comments from everyone. I’ve said time and again how difficult this process of starting a business really is. And I’ve said time and again that having support is a tremendous help.

I’m grateful for it.

So what’s next? “By the inch is a cinch. By the yard is hard”.

Continuing to build the brand and the company in a scalable (how’s that for a buzz word?) fashion where I can be sure to give the proper attention to details and to customers. This would be “by the inch”, I guess.

Now, let’s suppose Surf Expo happened. As exciting as it would be, and as effective as it would be, perhaps I’m not quite ready yet. I mean Snoloha isn’t even a year-old yet! I guess that would be, “by the yard”.

Yes, it’s as cliché as they come, but maybe things really do happen for a reason.

I am absolutely proud of being a finalist in the contest. The judges validate that I’m on the right track.

And I am absolutely grateful for all the support. The feedback from all of you validate I’m on the right track.

Enjoy the day~



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