Not to sound like a broken record (for you normal blog readers, that is)…but growing a new brand, based on a made up word, around a concept that is pretty unique…is quite difficult. There’s nothing ‘simple’ or ‘ordinary’ about Snoloha. It’s not an easy sell, by any means. That is, until folks take a moment to fully understand and appreciate the brand. Then, it becomes a connection that extends much deeper than a t-shirt.

So when I receive notes and photos from customers and it’s obvious that they ‘get’ Snoloha, it reminds me of why I’m doing what I’m doing.

Thanks again, Ryan, for this:

I was traveling from Boise, ID to Portland, OR jamming away to a little Jack Johnson wishing I was down in the islands laying next to the pool getting my belly warm instead of freezing in Eastern Oregon when I look up and see the famous “between the Equator and the Arctic” sign.

Perhaps they have these signs all over the place, but this is the first time I have seen one outside of your website.

We have been having a winter that will not quit around here and as much as I enjoy the “Sno” I am ready for a little more “loha” and get some sun out on one of the many lakes out here.




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