I’ve got a fair amount of random t-shirts laying around that are not on the website…samples, discontinued pieces, random sizes, etc.
I’d like them to be put to good to good use since they are brand new, perfectly good shirts. No sense in letting them sit on the shelves when there are plenty of people out there that could use a fresh, new shirt this holiday season.
So here’s the deal…
When you purchase $20.00 or more in Snoloha gear, you will receive a FREE Snoloha shirt to GIVE this holiday season.
Give it to someone that could use it…a local church, Salvation Army, someone you know down on their luck, a local holiday non-profit, you get the idea.
It will be a random piece and a random size, but I know you can find a good home for it and put a smile on someone’s face and a clean shirt on their back.
This will run until I’m out of the random left over inventory…and I hope to run out, so please feel free to spread the word.
Lastly…if that’s not incentive enough,
SHIPPING IS FREE through December 15th.
Happy shopping. Happy giving.
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