For those that are regular readers of this blog or are fans on Facebook, you are probably aware that the past six months or so Snoloha has been going through a slow transformation. New branding, new products, a new supplier, new designs and a new website. Of these…really only the branding has been unveiled. There are new products from the new supplier in stock, but they are patiently waiting for the new website that is being worked on and will replace the current site. One thing I’ve learned through the process of launching a new business is that nothing happens overnight and as fast as you’d like it to. Patience…I’m still getting use to that concept.

In addition to all these changes, the positioning of the Snoloha brand will also be…not necessarily “changing”, rather “focusing” on a more targeted customer and retailer.

In my head I have a very clear vision on where Snoloha is heading. However, I also have learned that this brand connects with people on a variety of different levels. But, it’s difficult to be all things to all people. So honing in on the who the brand connects with most is very important at this stage of growth.

If you’d like to participate in the conversation and the changes, here’s the deal…I’m gonna ask a question I’ve asked before. This time though I will choose random winners from the notes I get and they will receive some cool new Snoloha gear.

Snoloha – What does it mean to you?

You can email me directly, or send a note through the Contact page.



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