After a weekend hangin’ on the water, dinghy cruising around the Bay, cold ones at a tiki bar and the beach with absolutely “nowhere to go and nowhere to be”, it’s time to get back in the saddle. Although I gotta admit, doing nothing is tiring! I feel like I should do nothing in order to recover from doing nothing. What a vicious circle that could be.
The new store should be launching this week. And to put some added pressure on ourselves (and to have some fun with all this stress), I thought a little website promo was in order. So….here’s the deal:
For each day that passes (starting today) and the new store is not finished, 5% off will be added to ALL Snoloha gear. Confused? Don’t be. If we launched tomorrow (Tuesday) everything would be 5% off. If it launches on Wednesday, 10% off. Thursday, 15% off. Friday, 20% off. You get the idea.
Oh, and I reserve the right to make up the rules as I go. I mean what if something crazy happened and we couldn’t launch for 20 days…that would be 100% off. That would be silly. So I guess there should be some sort of legal mumbo jumbo that says something about ‘under normal circumstances’ blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada. You know what I’m mean.
Once the new store goes live the sale will run for 2 days. So stand by…
(Why do I get the feeling all the great support I’ve had is suddenly going to root against a speedy launch this week?)
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