I’ve been battling with this feeling that seems to enjoy visiting every once in a while, and tormenting me. It’s a feeling of worry and of wondering…of how far along the Snoloha brand is. I put an enormous amount of pressure on myself to grow this brand and to touch people across the country and the globe with it’s lifestyle and message. And I lose track of how much time has really elapsed. This website launched near the end of 2006, and the the brand launched at retail 1 year ago in February of 2007. It really has only been about 15 months since the Snoloha brand was introduced. It’s an infant still. And yes, learning more about the world around it every single day.
A real fan-base of customers and supporters has been established. And this is what will allow the brand to grow organically. Those of you reading this very blog post are the reason the brand continues to grow.
So when I have these moments of “worry & wonder”, I go back to all the wonderful emails that I’ve received from people across the county to remind myself of where the brand is…in it’s infancy, growing everyday, with an increasing number of supporters and customers helping it to the next stage.
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