For those of you that have been with since its launch last winter, you have seen the site grow from the very first “Coming Soon” page, to how it stands today.

Well, it continues to evolve and to grow. The Store now has updated “Action” photos, check ’em out. I’m sure some of you will recognize a few of these. Oh, and feel free to buy something while you’re in there!

One thing that I don’t think I have addressed previously, is the product selection. In addition to the online selection, there are more colors and designs available at the various Snoloha retailers. So be sure to visit one in your neck of the woods. We are continuing our efforts of opening new retailers. So if you know of one in your area that seems like a nice Snoloha fit, let us know! Let them know!

Stay tuned for the Fall / Winter product line. I think you’re going to like what you see. That’s all I can really say at this point. I will post some “Sneak Peeks” in the coming weeks.

This “Barefoot & Exposed” Blog continues to be an integral component of the Snoloha brand and community. I was reminded of that earlier today when I was asked “Why hasn’t the blog been updated in a few days?” Keep the feedback coming. I enjoy filling this blog with quotes, lyrics, photos, and anything that has to do with the Snoloha Life. And if you enjoy reading it, then that’s all I need to know.

That’s all for now. It’s nearing 8 O’Clock, and the I think the dogs want to get out and stretch their legs…as do I.

Thanks for the continued support. And don’t forget to “Spread the Snoloha Love”. One easy way to do that is by clicking on that button up in the right.



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