…and I’m sticking to it.

But I also like…“My occupational hazard being, my occupation’s just not around”

I’m a 42 year old guy living in Traverse City, Michigan with an amazing wife, 2 beautiful daughters, 3 crazy dogs, 1 cat, a house 2 blocks from the beach, the marina and our small sail boat.

Life is good.

But sitting idle is a concept I can’t get my head around.

A traditional 9-5 office job was never meant to be (trust me, I’ve tried, several times).  I’ve lost a little money with entrepreneurial endeavors.  I’ve made a little money with entrepreneurial endeavors.  Sometimes it seems as though it all makes sense.   Other times
well, you know.

After launching Snoloha from scratch back in 2007 (scroll down to learn more about Snoloha) and successfully growing throughout the country and online, I ultimately decided ‘peddling t-shirts’ wasn’t what I was put on this earth for.

The question, “then what was I put here for?” is still yet to be answered (I’m referring to life outside of raising and taking care of my family…you know, “career life” stuff). Through everything I’ve learned and experienced during the roller-coaster ride of launching and growing a business…I’m confident I’ll find the answer to that question that is bothering me so.

So what started as an idea for a lifestyle clothing brand has evolved into more of a creative, marketing, branding, consulting and idea generating vehicle that has allowed me to remain self-employed for 10 years now, working with select clients and on projects of my own.

