I love how almost everything in life can be related back to a Seinfeld episode…my wife, on the other hand, doesn’t find it nearly as humorous or impressive.

The other day they aired The Jerk Store episode….you know, the one where George has a conflict with one of his coworkers at the Yankees.   While George is stuffing his face with shrimp cocktail during a meeting, the co-worker says: “Hey George, the ocean called; they’re running out of shrimp.” At that moment, George cannot think of a comeback until later, while driving to the tennis club to meet Jerry. His comeback is: “Well, the Jerk Store called, and they’re running out of you.” George becomes obsessed with recreating the encounter so that he can ‘zing’ his co-worker.

And then, there was this exchange…and after seeing this episode a hundred other times, this was when it hit me and yet another Seinfeld episode could be related to real life.  This time to Snoloha.

JERRY: You’re flying to Akron, just to zing a guy?

GEORGE: Don’t you understand? It’s not about him. To have a line as perfect as ‘jerk store’ and to never use it. I, I couldn’t live with myself.

ELAINE: See, there are no jerk stores. It..it’s just a little confusing, is all.

GEORGE: (adamant) It’s smart. It’s a smart line, and a smart crowd will appreciate it. (shouting) And, I’m not gonna dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!

It’s smart. It’s a smart line, and a smart crowd will appreciate it. (shouting) And, I’m not gonna dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!

Yea…that’s kinda how I feel about Snoloha.  It’s not the easiest brand for people to instantly ‘get’, and it’s not for everyone.  And the crowd who does ‘get it’…they LOVE it.  So no, I’m not gonna dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience.

Only Costanza could put it so eloquently.



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