The news continues to be pretty bleak regarding the European economy, and even more so in the country where my Snoloha Licensee in located…Spain.

However, we are not just sitting back on our hands, hoping and waiting. We continue to be proactive and focused on slow and smart growth…pretty much the same strategy I’m following here in the US.

As a result of this balancing act of being being patient, yet proactive, there are still exciting steps forward being made across the pond.

The new Snoloha distributor in Germany recently sent out the newsletter you will see below. Though I have no idea what it says, it features the Snoloha brand…pretty darn cool to see.

And our next Snoloha retailer is located in Santa Fe (Granada, Spain), which this is the place where Columbus signed the agreement, financing the trip with the Spanish Catholic Monarchs in 1492, before he bumped into the Americas.

We will have photos soon of some of our Spanish retailers.




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