Choosing the Snapshots & Scenery winner for July was easy. I still can’t believe it. And you can’t buy this sort of support and feedback:
“I have been looking for a tattoo that represents who I am and what I am about…well you guessed it, I have become a walking advertisement for your company after all the pain I went through. Needless to say, damn that hurt! But I must say it was worth it. I have been looking to put a tattoo on my foot that represents sun and fun and snow…well ya sure did it with the Snoloha logo. Now I smile when I look at my bare feet and say wow, the ocean and the arctic, it doesn’t get any better than this! Love it!”
Be sure to visit the gallery and send in your pics for a chance to win free Snoloha gear. And don’t worry, you don’t have to get a tattoo to be a winner. Check out some of the previous winners.
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