I’m not sure where exactly I’m heading with this, so bare with me…
As I mentioned previously, last night I joined the crew aboard The Illusion and the Wednesday night sailing race for the 2nd week in a row. When it comes to sailing, I’m a total novice still. Last summer I was fortunate to learn quite a bit from Captain Dave over at Bay Breeze Yacht Charters. But again, sailing a race boat during a race is much, much more intense than just “cruising”, as I have become very fond of. It is, however, still exciting and challenging. During our race last night, it occurred to me that the learning curve for racing is quite steep. I couldn’t imagine just buying one of those boats and jumping in head first. There has to be a learning period. Time on the water. Lessons. Books. You get the idea.
Now imagine jumping into a business that you have absolutely no background or experience in. No learning period. No classes. No “time on the water”. You get the idea.
It’s funny, when I started (or I should say when I started telling people about) Snoloha, I had a fair share of naysayers (probably always will, but that’s okay). I guess maybe anyone that has started a business has experienced this. Perhaps just the shear thought of the risk involved is enough for people to “naysay” and think you’re insane. You may even begin to think that yourself. Which is probably quite normal.
But if you have that time on the water experience. You’ve taken the classes. You’ve read the books. You know the industry. Then starting that business isn’t as insane as one may lead you to think. After all, it’s not like you’re buying a Tripp ’36 (I hope I have that right) rigged with Quantum Sails, and suddenly need to learn a new language consisting of terms like Spinnakers, Puffs, Jibs, Genoas, Halyards, Tacks, and Jibes.
The point of this rant, you ask?
I guess the point goes back to that Mark Twain quote that I love so much:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the things that you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discoverâ€
What are you waiting for? Are you looking at buying a racing sail boat with no experience? Or has your time on the water prepared you to purchase and sail that boat of your own?
(Pictured is America’s Cup BMW ORACLE Racing Team)
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